I am a solitary knitter. Or at least I've always thought of myself as one. I taught myself to knit and continue this practice all by my lonesome.
Most knitters I know love the company of their own kind and even go to great lengths to share their time and knitting sense with these like minded peeps. They dole out wads of cash for knitting retreats and travel miles to commune over needles and yarn (and beverages). While I love to talk shoppe with fellow knitters at length about
knitterly things, I just don't often find myself doing the deed with them. I was beginning to feel like...(gasp)...a knitting prude, or
knude if you will.
The thought of my possible
knudity horrified me. How could this be?! I was but a lonely
knude with not a knitter to share my
knudity with. After some internal wrestling I had an epiphany. The only answer: public
The next question clearly is who to get
knude with. After a quick and dirty
internet search I encountered the
Pints 'n Purls Meetup group. Their intro reads, "Do you like crocheting, knitting, and other needlework? Do you like beer? (Of course you do!) Then this is the group for you." Knitting...beer...knitters...beer...these are the perfect people to go all
knude on. I swiftly accepted the open invite.
I was a bit fearful as I headed out with nothing but a simple 2x2 rib hat on my circulars. Arriving at the pub 8 short blocks later, I found a group of 15 knitters huddled in the back. Sheepishly, I said hello and took my place amongst the flock. I pulled my knitting from my bag, started up a chat with a few friendly folk close by, and low and behold, forgot all about being
It was a splendid evening of knitting and chatting and I can't believe it took me so long to figure out the fun in it. Clearly I like people and knitting (and beer!). It's a win-win (-win)!
As for my
knudity, it got the kibosh. No one wants to see that anyway.